
Friday, July 5, 2019


The catterpilar is a prisoner to the street that concieved him. 
His only job is to eat and consume everything around him, in order to protect himself from this mad city.
While consuming his environment the catterpilar notices ways to survive.
 One thing it notices is how the world shuns him but praises the butterfly. 

A butterfly represents the talent, beauty and thoughtfulness within a catterpilar.
By having a harsh outlook on life the catterpilar sees the butterfly as weak, and starts pimping it to his own benefits.

Already surrounded by this mad city the caterpillar starts working on the cacoon, which institutionalizes him. He can no longer see past his own thought. His trapped.
While trapped within these walls certain ideas take root such as going home and Bringing new concepts to this mad city.

The result wings begin to emerge, breaking the cycle of feeling stagnant. Finally free, the butterfly shares light on situations that the catterpilar never considered.
Although the caterpillar and butterfly are completely different. They are one and the same.
When you know who you are, you don't fight for  the right to be you.
Nothing ever done stripes you off of who you really are. No one can take away who you are.
This knowledge gives me confidence and Rest knowing I don't need to fight or compete in anyway.
I am emerging.
Learning to unlearn to Learn.

Sunday, April 7, 2019


"My Mentor" he said
"My Mentor" she said
"Our Mentor " they said

Makes me feel alive
I have lived my dream
My dream was to be a mentor.
I didn't know what that word ment and still don't know but hearing the call me their mentor is heavenly.

I am Alive.

Thursday, March 15, 2018


The state of my heart has bandages.  It's at the stage where surgery is being done and you are awake.  Watching not sure how to cover your nakedness because it's not in your hands nor is it under your control that the surgeon recommends that the surgery is done in such a manner.

Not only is your body naked but the inside of you is exposed too,  hands move within you, you don't feel pain but you feel cold. It's an interesting experience.
"You have a strong personality ". At first it came as a compliment.  I smiled,  said thank you and thought to myself wow..... I don't know what that means but its got to be good.

It made me feel good about myself especially coming from someone I admire,  someone I look up to. Someone I highly esteem.  I have very few of those kinds of people in my life. It made me fearless. My heart would swell with pride just the way my Father tells me I am beautiful and nothing wipes those prints away from my heart. And when my mom says she's proud of me all shackles on my feet fall because I know the people I value believe in me deeply.

I opened my heart out to a few other people given the stable firm foundation from my family background and loved fearlessly, trusted unquestionably because that's what I know how to do. I expressed myself without breaks and became very close to others other than my parents,  I guess that gave them a break given the notion "I am a piece of work". These new people became a few of the people that I would call "my person ". I poured my heart into these my people,  I fell recklessly,  I loved recklessly and I trusted freely. My heart was like a river,  flowing endlessly,  they held my "secrets" saw me cry several times and then BOOOOOOOOOM! A rock was thrown into this river.  They stopped the flow and I wondered what had happened,  what I had done, where all this had come from.

I am still in that place,  everytime I reached out I was told I was not fine and I needed help.  That stung.  That stabbed my heart to know the people I highly value and esteem after my parents think I have a problem and they don't want to aid my healing yet they always did.
I don't know what happened.
I probably might never know.
This leaves my heart in that state

Regardless of all that is happening or has happened,  I am happy to have my heart still open and not closed and I am glad that I can always learn from this,  learn mostly about myself and appreciate my parents for the foundation they have given me.
The healing process has started,  and my heart is still open,  it has made me realize in me,  there is a treasure that lacks in this world,  Love. A Love that many have not experienced. A love that is reckless and fearless.  A love that stands strong within the waves.  A love that will swim through the storm just to reach the others that need Love without condemning those that did not appreciate Love.
Love that lives among humans so strong that it is feared because we feel we do not deserve such Love.
That Love lives in me.  That Love is Christ.
The one who was here and is here but not here.
The one who is the Lion and the Lamb.  That Love has exposed my heart that wide and still continues to expose it.
That's the Love that has covered my stabbed bandaged heart.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Letter to God...

Dear God, my mind is spinning, I have come to this place many times before, not sure whether I should fight or run, humble myself or stand tall, be there for someone or save my heart, love or let go.

I have felt this way about different positions, about jobs that didn't seem to fill the void in my heart, but not knowing if that was a selfish way of looking at the world or you speaking to me telling me that it was time to seek answers elsewhere.
I have felt this in my day today existence, a restlessness that I wrestle with, trying to make sense of why I feel so pulled in the opposite directions. Forever wondering if that's the voice in my head or you.
I have felt this in most of my relationships.
Not knowing when I have reached the final straw. Unsure whether you're cautioning me to guard my heart and walk away unscathed or if I'm supposed to be selfless and love like you even when I sacrifice myself in the process.

You've taught me to love others, this is written in your word and it's been pressed onto my heart since I was born and received you in my life as my personal lord and savior. You've blessed me with the ability to love and I want to love.
Buy how am I supposed to know when enough is enough?
How can I tell a person's true emotions and whether their relationship is worth my time, effort and attention especially when it starts to hurt?
How do I know you are here and that falling for this person is the right choice or not? Do I even choose to fall for the person?
How are my  supposed to know how to love imperfect people with my own imperfect heart? And when this imperfection males itself apparent, how will I know whether to stay or leave?
Lord how......?
How does anyone know?
How do we know?

In some ways we don't.
We won't be given the answer in the way we expect. We won't know what we're getting into from the start or see the entire future mapped out in front of us. That's the risk we take in love isn't it?
But that doesn't mean you aren't present God. That doesn't mean you aren't there.
So I ask that you how me. Show me a silver lining of your plan. Show me my next step.
When I fall into a relationship, I see forever stretched out in front of me, bother terrifying and beautiful.
I see future plans, future happiness, I imagine myself intertwined with someone else but as this life brings conflicts, the image distorts. That image gets blurry and suddenly I don't feel so sure.
Suddenly I question whether this relationship is the one I am supposed to be in.
You've taught me that I deserve a love that shines like you, but the person my heart is drawn to is only human. I can't expect perfection. And yet I can't settle for a love that isn't right. A love that hurts.
But aren't you supposed to love, show forgiveness, be patient and selfless and all things you have taught ME?
But what about myself?
Is this what you want for me?
Is staying with this person the right choice?
IA holding on a better choice? Because I'm giving them what they need? Because we're fighting to stay together and to love better and that's what relationships are all about?
Or is there someone better out there for me? Am I hurting myself trying to love someone who isn't in the place to love right now? Should I stay or go?

In this moment please let me hear you, please show me the ways you are guiding me, loving me and standing beside me. Show me the ways to love like you. To be humble and selfless, forgiving and kind.
Show me how to care for someone outside myself without worrying about what's happening to me.
But also shoe me when I am losing myself to build someone and when this job is too big for me to shoulder on my own.
God put aside my selfishness and help me see what you've placed in front of me. Help me to see whether this person's intentions are sincere or whether they are only looking out for themselves.
Help me see beyond face value, beyond my attraction, beyond the entanglings of my heart. How me where you are in this relationship. Whether or not you're present and what my next step should be.
Show me that I don't have to keep a checklist of all the rights and wrongs. Show me that I don't need to worry whether I'm doing too much because you see all that I'm doing and that's what really matters. Show me how Love should be and if I'm in a place of toxicity give me strength to walk away.
Gives way heart peace and resilience. Give me quiet moments to turn to you in prayer. Give me wisdom to see outside what's in front of me to the big picture and help me determine whether the love I'm giving and receiving is on the right path.
Help me see if this relationship is worthy and if I have done all I can and must salvage the broken pieces of myself and move on.
Remind me that sometimes the most painful things are the right things that fighting with and for someone will only hurt and heal.
And if I end up broken, no matter the end result, remind me that pain isn't a part of your plan and that I can turn to you to bring me to my feet again.

God give me wisdom. The wisdom to discern whether this relationship is right. The wisdom to see this person for who they really are. The wisdom to know whether I have done enough, done too little, done things selfishly or need to do more.
Give me the wisdom to forgive, to heal, to love, to continue in whatever direction you point me.
Speak truth to my heart Lord and knowledge to my head. Show me whether I should stay or leave. And help me to be led by your word not the beating of my heart.
Give me wisdom father. Lead me through your word and Spirit. Not by me listening to my heart beat but by you Jesus. Only you Father. Speak to me and let me hear you this day father for you are LOVE.
Your daughter

Sunday, June 11, 2017

I lose myself

When i Glimpse a hummingbird in my tulips, can i call up my gladness and spend sometime with it?
A stern voice in me says, How wasteful what if you don't get anything done?
I ask, can i allow myself to feel the pain of a relationship that needs rekindling?No, the voice says, stifle it and pretend. Rocked boats tip over.
So i ask, what about the anger inside? Can i feel it? And the voice says its not nice to be angry .
Then i ask, when i am scared and hurting, can i open my soul and let someone peer way down inside?
And it says, keep stiff upper lip.Bury it.
When i live with there answers long enough, i can no longer connect to my real feelings, i lose my ability to relate to myself and others from a genuine place. I lose myself.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Warm heart

My heart is warm
Whatever other word out there describing a soft, vulnerable, smiling heart. My heart feels warm. Excited but scared and anxious too....

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

He kissed me.

A wink melts the heart, a kiss is very intimate and a hug makes you surrender. A combination of a wink, kiss and a hug makes one weak.

I got a new dress today, very unexpected. Somebody gave me a dress.
This reminded me of the time I was young when I got a new dress, I would want to wear it there and then. When I got my new dress today, I wore it there and then. I was very very excited.
My heart was skipping and the child in me was awakened. I felt young, fresh, beautiful and loved. I felt special and everyone old me the dress looked good on me.

Later in the afternoon, I felt a strong conviction to go hug a friend across town, I wondered what was going on, I got a boda and rushed to Nakawa to give a friend a hug, it was special and while there I hugged one other friend that I had not talked to since June last year. I felt reckless and wild. I was jumping like a little girl. Ooh how joyful I was.

My heart was filled with Love, peace, joy aaahhh.... Beautiful day. I was very happy.

That's how I know He had kissed me.
God had kissed me, gave me a glimpse of heaven. Placed love in my heart and loved me. Lifted me up and set me free.
My chains are gone
I have been set free
My God my savior has ransomed me.
Amazing Grace.

God winked at me, kissed me and hugged me. I am In his Loving arms forever.
I feel like a teenager who has been kissed by the boy she had a crush on.
Ooh Beautiful, Beautiful

I Love his Kisses.