
Thursday, September 30, 2010


it grips the heart, gives you false imaginationgs, keeps you from moving forward, it kills you.
"Love is as strng as death"....??!!! many may not agree with this statement. i had an augument with someone about it too, coming to think about it, i really think its true.
when you talk of death, so many are quick to shut you up and if they had the opportunity they would get rid of you kill you, i have no idea what happens to people when you talk about death, and on the contrary when you talk of love they seem to be excited, yes very excited for the beginning to the discussions then they are cold............................?!!!whats behind all these reactions.
i have just asked a collugue if he thought the statement was right, you could have seen the look on his face, in doubt yet ready to disagree with it, well he said he is coming back to talk about it.

my opinoin is there but think about it "LOVE IS AS STRONG AS DEATH" fear comes into both, many fear to love and to be loved too, many fear death too, well they fear death more, i fear love more, we all have different opinoins and i still strongly believe love is a strong as death, they are bot intangible, they are both strong and they work hand in hand and yet we want to seperate them.
The fear of both gives us different opinoins, ok, he came back and said, love is definately stronger because death kills and love does not kill.............................??!!! am loving this, he is back and he says death is weaker than love and becaus eof that we cry for the dead and because of love we believe we will see them and love over powers death................................
i have asked anothe collegue and she agrees both come by suprise, no signals or signs are given by both.....thats interesting......
Well, Fear still stands between, you sould see how fearfull people are as they talk about both love and Death......................ooohhhhh how i Hate FEAR.


At this point i am not sure what i am talking about.
i look around to find who i am and i can not really tell.
Anyway, i was ment to tal k about the Bedroom and not me
i realise its one part of the house that very few people are allowed into apart fromt he family members, yes and i think i am right. some people fear anyone to entre their bedrooms and the majority do not entre other people's bedrooms until they are invited.
i invite in anyone and everyone into my bedroom, i just realised it, my life is too open, well not really but i literally allow anyone into my bedroom and i am not afraid of what they will thik after getting in it.

my bed room says alot about me many things that people do not see, my strenghts and weaknesses, my fears, my likes and dislikes, everything and my how can i allow people to see some of my messees.
well, this works well for me, and sinc ei do not speak alot about myself, i lt people see me through my bedroom and get to know me more.
i am not asking you to come into my bedroom but it is the only possetion i have in my house. its my everything, a kitchen, livingroom, store, and bedroom as well and ooohhh............its my closet too and reading room and a precious place where God an di meet.