
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Different doesn’t mean Better

Just because we are different in so many ways doesn't mean you are better in anyway.
Different is good, you say you accept our difference and yet you work to change me, you strive to see me be like you.
You want me to act like you do, do what you do, how then will that be celebrating difference?
If you say you agree with diversity yet you constantly remind me that I am inferior and you are superior.
That your ways are better than mine.
That you are first class and I and second.
Is being different accepted by you?
You want me to accept the difference but you do not accept the difference.
You say it in different languages, different styles you call yourself developed and I am developing.
You call yourself rich and I am poor.
Your standard of living High and mine low.
Your quality high and mine low.
You always think your way is right and my way is wrong.
Just because you/we are different doesn’t mean your way is better.

Being different means we work together impact each other, focusing on the similarities we have because those seem to be the core of life.
Regardless of the differences, our small veins in the eye is the same.
Regardless of the differences blood is red. We all have blood running through our bodies and veins.
We all have a heart that beats and pumps that blood.
We all enjoy a good meal and laughter soothes our souls
We all visit the toilet and find rest after using it.
How about we focus on the similarities and not the differences.
The similarities are eternal, they never change. The differences are external and very temporary prone to change Anytime.

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