
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

He kissed me.

A wink melts the heart, a kiss is very intimate and a hug makes you surrender. A combination of a wink, kiss and a hug makes one weak.

I got a new dress today, very unexpected. Somebody gave me a dress.
This reminded me of the time I was young when I got a new dress, I would want to wear it there and then. When I got my new dress today, I wore it there and then. I was very very excited.
My heart was skipping and the child in me was awakened. I felt young, fresh, beautiful and loved. I felt special and everyone old me the dress looked good on me.

Later in the afternoon, I felt a strong conviction to go hug a friend across town, I wondered what was going on, I got a boda and rushed to Nakawa to give a friend a hug, it was special and while there I hugged one other friend that I had not talked to since June last year. I felt reckless and wild. I was jumping like a little girl. Ooh how joyful I was.

My heart was filled with Love, peace, joy aaahhh.... Beautiful day. I was very happy.

That's how I know He had kissed me.
God had kissed me, gave me a glimpse of heaven. Placed love in my heart and loved me. Lifted me up and set me free.
My chains are gone
I have been set free
My God my savior has ransomed me.
Amazing Grace.

God winked at me, kissed me and hugged me. I am In his Loving arms forever.
I feel like a teenager who has been kissed by the boy she had a crush on.
Ooh Beautiful, Beautiful

I Love his Kisses.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Silence. Stillness. Quietness.

It is first march 2017,  at the beginning of the year,  silence filled my heart,  quietness filled my soul. As if a stillness captured me.  It all seemed lifeless untill yesterday....
I realised, in silence He speaks,  in stillness he moves and in quietness do i hear him clearly.
When there is so much noise around me and within me,  its hard to get to that place of quietness, silence and stillness. 
At first it seemed awkward,  along the way i realised the noised from both within and without were clouding up my heart, mind and ears from hearing and feeling his prescence and love. His embrace.
Who have you listened to Haryet?  A friend asked me yesterday.  This question took me back to silence.
In silence i listened to my heartbeat. In silence i heard my desire and longing for more of him and less of me.
I long for the silence to fill my heart.
The quietness to fill my soul.
The stillness to fill my whole being.